How to make a resume work for you.
By Jim Reed (CEO Endeavor Enterprises)
I see several thousand resumes a year and when I was recently asked by Career Boost Online, How to make a Resume work. I wrote down a few tips for job seekers that I always look for when reading resumes or considering candidates.
Neatness, while it might sound simple - many people submit dirty, ripped or old paperwork that simply gets them an instant failure in my book. I usually get angry with the HR department for even handing me such bad CV's.
Color. Many resumes are black and white, when I see a slight dash of color, this really pulls me in and makes me read the resume more. Certainly helps the candidate get a better chance of proceeding in the job elimination process.
Concise. Folks that have a resume or CV that is 10 pages long will fail. Even if you have suitable experience and a good fit for the job - if you give me war and peace - I will give you a piece of crap back in the mail. Sorry it doesn't work.
Smart wording. When a candidate for a job writes positive words and generally sounds upbeat in their cover letter or their resume, I will always root for them and give them a shot at the interview rounds. This is a biggy. Most companies want winners for employees, finding them is hard - when we see skills like this is really boosts your chances of securing a long term job.
Extra mile. By visiting me or door knocking during the process I generally will sift through the pile and find that persons CV. Some people frown on this, but I find it promising that someone will go the extra mile to visit and discuss an application for job in person. Don't get too push or I will call security!
Good Luck. I hope these tips on getting an interview help, so now there is no excuse, you should know how to make a resume work.